Dr. Diana Rodgers

Diana Rodgers, RD

Diana Rodgers, RD, is a “real food” nutritionist and sustainability advocate near Boston, Massachusetts.

While she isn’t a carnivore, keto, vegetarian, vegan, or standard western dietician, she is a very important part of the spectrum of eating properly, because she endorses a sustainable farming culture. Whether you’re a vegan or a carnivore, she will help you be a better one.

She’s the author of three books, runs a clinical nutrition practice, hosts the Sustainable Dish Podcast, and has served on an advisory board of numerous nutrition and agriculture organizations including Whole30, Animal Welfare Approved, and Savory Institute. She speaks internationally about the intersection of optimal human nutrition and regenerative agriculture. 

Diana is co-author of, Sacred Cow: The Case for (Better) Meat and the director, and producer of the companion film, Sacred Cow. Her new initiative, the Global Food Justice Alliance, advocates for a nutritious, sustainable, and equitable worldwide food system.