Is your doctor always right?

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Is your doctor always right?

I’m going to kick off this section with an excerpt from a comedian. This was Sept 2007, long before I had any real concerns about my health, but it certainly got my attention when I heard it. The part that was burned into my memory forever is heard at the 1:17 time mark. Please watch this from the beginning (apologies about the language), and let the words he says about money/health/sick/death get into your brain before you read the rest of what I’m saying. I have a relationship with God, so Bill and I don’t see eye to eye on many things, but when he made this pharma rant that night, it changed my opinion of him. He does say some things that are absolutely spot-on. And little did I know how this rant changed my life from that night onward.



The following is my personal experience-based understanding of many doctors, and what goes on behind the curtain. However, not all of this is my opinion. What is mentioned is based on things said by plenty of doctors and others within the medical and pharma industry who have ample experience as practicing for many years. Among those are Dr. Ken Berry, Dr. Paul Saladino, Dr. Shawn Baker, Dr. Margo King, and many more. My own observations are rooted in my experiences, the experiences of others, and a common sense understanding of how money works and controls so much of our world. It is not my goal to disparage a noble profession, as many doctors are worthy of praise. However, there is a significant “business” with being a doctor, and without sick people, that business suffers. There is no money in health and no money in death. There’s money in being on the edge of death.

Have you noticed all the hospitals, clinics, and street-corner ER facilities being constructed in your town? Really stop and ponder that for a second before reading more. Who are they serving? A growing population, or a growing population of unhealthy individuals?

I hope you understand that without your poor health, doctors don’t get paid, your insurance provider doesn’t get paid, and the pharmacies and their drug suppliers don’t sell, so the money dries up. If it weren’t for hurricanes, roofers and general contractors would have much less work. If it weren’t for automobile wrecks, body shops wouldn’t exist.


Remember This?

Many of you reading might recall the cigarette ads so prevalent in our society in the 50’s and beyond. How right was your doctor then? How right are they now? Replace nicotine with sugar, and think about the concept of acting without full knowledge or understanding.

All that said, when you have an emergency, a doctor is your best friend. Broken bones, cuts, and sudden onset of illnesses: these are the principal reasons the medical profession came about. Without professionals who know how to tend to wounds and the like, we would absolutely suffer. When you are born, there’s typically a hospital staff working for you, and that’s necessary in my eyes. That said, there are plenty of children born normally and without any issues at home or outside the care of a hospital.

If you’ve visited a doctor, whether a general practitioner, specialist, dentist, etc, you have likely spent time in a waiting room. While there, perhaps you have noticed the comings and goings of men and women dressed in suits, carrying or rolling briefcases visiting the doctor “behind the magic door” long before you get to. In the waiting room, these folks are typically busied with their laptops or smartphones, furiously entering data.

They are typically reps for pharmaceutical (prescription drug)companies, waiting to push their latest and greatest drugs or surgical elements on the doctor, to in turn push it/them on to you. The doctors are incentivized to move these products. How? Cruises, overseas vacations, golfing, dinners, theater and concert tickets, financial rewards, and much more. I know this for a fact as my brother spent his career doing just this while selling stents to heart surgeons. I accompanied many doctors and my brother to concerts as their guest. And he regaled me with several stories about the great things his company did for him and his clients. While you’re busy suffering your symptoms, the doctors and their staff are figuring out which med fits their needs (pockets) best to in turn get you to buy it at the pharmacy. Ask yourself how drug reps are paid so well. Ask yourself how a doctor has a closet full of samples to give you, or in many cases, they don’t, because they keep the samples for themselves and their staff.

Percent of Americans using at least one prescription drug in the past 30 days: 48.6%

Percent of Physician office visits involving drug therapy: 68.7%

– Centers for Disease Control (CDC) 2018


Without oversimplifying it, doctors are for the most part trained in similar techniques, from similar courses, using the same knowledge that has been passed down for decades. The terms “medical practitioner” and “practicing medicine” are literally correct, as all doctors practice medicine based on their education and experiences. Some go to great lengths to educate themselves to be at the forefront of their fields. Others are just regurgitating what they’ve retained throughout their careers. Also realize that when someone is so invested in their research, and they publish a paper on the “science” they discovered, they will often hold onto that belief all the way to the grave, always dismissing any conflicting information. What I’m saying is how strongly anyone, especially a scientist, would hold onto their theories and publishings because that’s how they made their mark on the world. If they retract their findings, it could be detrimental to their careers. While this isn’t related directly to the profession, there are numerous factual representations that our civilization is much older than we’ve been taught for well over a century. However, when those facts have been brought to light, those who are in power to preserve their own discoveries are quick to diminish a newfound truth. Did you know the Amazon Rainforest has grown over complete cities, pyramids, water canals, and more? That the news is significant and history book altering? 

Imagine the number of professionals who are motivated to preserve what they taught about the rainforest, rather than allow your mind to be changed by new facts. If there’s money attached to that motivation, you can bet that is the driving force.

It’s a huge hit to the ego to lose any credibility, so greedy people continue. In fact, many might lose so much of their standing in the industry that they lose their careers. How credible does the doctor who pushed cigarettes seem now? 

The following is a loose transcript from Dr. Ken Berry regarding the topic of obesity and visiting the doctor:

…doctors see an obese person walk into their rooms, and immediately prescribe medications to control cholesterol, blood pressure, and joint pain. They will give instructions to eat fewer calories and move more. And if the patient returns a month later with no real change in weight, it’s simple enough for a doctor to say “well, the patient just isn’t taking my advice.”

Dr. Ken Berry

This behavior is just a regurgitation of what a doctors colleagues are doing and saying. Until they take a new approach to take control of someone’s health, without using drugs, unfortunately, the outcome will continue for you to be living on the edge of death, because that’s how to perpetuate the financial well-being of the doctor. Consider how much faith you put into a doctor who puts you on costly drugs, just so you can continue eating poorly. Nobody is making a sacrifice here. You’re willing to pay someone else to continue eating a bag of chips and a bowl of ice cream, but yet you wonder why physical life is so hard.

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