

Let’s talk about Grains

Corn. Oh dear Lord where do I begin with corn? It’s in up to 10% of your gasoline. Did you know that if you wanted to disable a gasoline-powered car, as a prank, people would put sugar in the tank? Are you aware of all the problems associated with modern gasoline in cars? It’s called Ethanol, and that is SUGAR. Small engines wear out in hours of use, not years, because of ethanol. Some stations sell non-ethanol gasoline for use in boats, small engines, etc. And smart people know to run their cars on non-ethanol. If sugar is bad for your car’s engine, how do you suppose it’s affecting your body’s engine? It’s KILLING it.

Corn on the left, circa 1600. On the right, current day.

Corn in my opinion is the worst offender because it is highly modified to be what it is today. We feast on so many products made from high fructose corn syrup and corn starch, yet most folks don’t know. Chips at your favorite Mexican restaurant, peanut butter, cereals at the breakfast table, whiskey in your glass, Corn in my opinion is the worst offender because it is highly modified to be what it is today. We feast on so many products made from high fructose corn syrup and corn starch, yet most folks don’t know. Chips at your favorite Mexican restaurant, peanut butter, cereals at the breakfast table, whiskey in your glass, cornbread, salsas, tortillas, the packaging your food comes in, the gas in your car, the food your animals eat.

The kernel is made up of four major components – starch, fiber, protein and oil – that can be processed in different ways to be used in all kinds of products.
In fact, a typical grocery store contains 4,000 items that list corn ingredients on the label.
Many other products depend on corn as well, from paper goods and cardboard packaging, to all the meat, milk, eggs, poultry and other protein products that come from corn-fed animals.

Iowa Corn Growers Association

Rice. First and foremost, rice is a grain, and many do not realize it. This particular grain has more sugar in it than you’re probably aware. A 12oz can of Coca-Cola has 27g of sugar. A single cup of rice has 41g.

Now don’t for one second try to excuse this by saying “it’s a different kind of sugar.” That’s the single biggest lie you are telling yourself and based on what education? Sugar is sugar is sugar. Period. Wrap it up in any other name, but sugar is sugar, and your body knows it. When I hear someone say they want to eat a diet of rice and fish, “because Asian people eat this, and they seem healthy” I cringe. Humans adapt to the world around them. Generations of Asian people have always lived with these foods, and their bodies adapted. An obese person can’t turn to someone else’s high carb diet thinking it’s good for them. Sushi? Personally, I love it, but I can’t do the rice. It’s eating fish wrapped in sugar, and my body knows it. Rice Krispies? Loved it as a kid. Rice Chex? Ditto. Fruity Pebbles? Made from rice, sugar, hydrogenated vegetable oil, and salt. 3 of those 4 items my body DOES NOT NEED. And neither does yours. I would have gone to war to preserve Fruity Pebbles, and as an adult, now I know why.

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– Juhon Bild

Aspirin For Prevention

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